The Hidden Costs of Neglecting Loading Dock Sectional Doors: How Regular Service Boosts ROI

Running a commercial business means constantly balancing costs and trying to find ways to boost your return on investment. Although many managers may focus on their workforce, loading docks, or other areas of their business, an underrated aspect of any commercial and industrial business cost is the loading dock sectional doors.

If you’re neglecting the regular maintenance on your loading dock sectional doors, you might be saving some money on the maintenance costs, but you’re likely spending a lot more money in other areas.

In this blog, we’ll go over some of the hidden costs that are associated with neglecting regular sectional door maintenance and how preventative maintenance programs can save you money and boost your ROI.

Wayne Dalton commercial sectional doors at loading dock

Increased Repair Costs

Repair costs are, unfortunately, a necessity of life. However, neglecting your loading dock door maintenance can lead to spending even more money on repairs down the line.

For example, a small dent in the sectional door can be easily fixed now, but if you wait, it may start to rust, weakening the metal in the door even more and leading to a much greater repair cost, or even a full replacement.

Avoiding these costs can be easy though – you just need to keep up to date on your sectional door maintenance.

Reduced Equipment Lifespan

Do you know what else comes with those increased repair costs that we previously talked about? More wear and tear on the equipment overall. Even when repairs are made, components are still left with some wear and tear.

That wear and tear can greatly reduce the lifespan of your loading dock sectional doors, which means you’ll need to spend money on replacements a lot sooner than you expected.

Employee working at a distribution warehouse and using a forklift

Downtime and Lost Productivity

What’s the thing you want to avoid most as a productive business? It’s having downtime where your facility isn’t as productive thanks to outside factors beyond your control.

If you have to shut down, even partially, because something has gone wrong with your loading dock sectional doors, that can lead to lost revenue as your productivity is reduced, especially if you are operating on tight deadlines. Your workers are still at work, getting paid, but you won’t be generating income thanks to an inoperable dock. Additionally, you may face penalties from distributors or retailers for late shipments. It’s clear that downtime is not something any commercial enterprise can afford.

Instead of neglecting your equipment until it breaks down, you should be more proactive about preventing potential problems.

Energy Loss

Heating and cooling costs represent a significant percentage of the amount of money that your facility costs to maintain. If you aren’t keeping up on your loading dock door maintenance, you may be spending more money than necessary on your utilities thanks to inefficient doors.

Heavy usage can cause small gaps to appear around the door as doors become warped or tracks become misaligned. You might not think these gaps are anything to worry about, but air can escape through these gaps, meaning you are losing your heated or cooled air to the outside, reducing the efficiency of your HVAC system and reducing the comfort level of your space.

Additionally, neglected maintenance can hurt you indirectly too. Losing interior air that way means your HVAC system must work harder to compensate. That can lead to your HVAC system wearing out prematurely too, which compounds your costs even more.

CDS technicians maintaining loading dock sectional doors

Workplace Safety

Another hidden cost of neglecting loading dock door maintenance is workplace safety. Workplace safety regulations are often quite strict, which means neglecting your regular sectional door maintenance can leave you open to violations you didn’t even notice.

Workplace safety regulatory bodies may issue fines or even shutdown notices until you’ve fixed the outstanding issues. Poor safety can also result in injuries to workers. You may face legal repercussions as a result, not to mention the downtime that will also come of it.

Planned Maintenance Programs Save You Money in the Long Run

At this point, you should be able to see clearly why staying on top of your loading dock door maintenance is a key part of building management. When it comes to your loading dock doors and sectional doors, keeping up to date on your planned maintenance is a crucial cost-saving measure. Heavy usage comes with the territory and that means wear and tear starts to add up, even compounding over time.

Planned maintenance goes a long way towards catching those small issues of wear and tear before they start to add up into bigger problems. Planned maintenance is about more than just addressing problems when they arise. It’s a way to be proactive about detecting and preventing issues that might come up in the future.

Creative Door Services™ offers planned maintenance programs from skilled technicians who can help save you money and extend your door’s lifespan for many more years. You’ll be thankful you called the sectional door maintenance pros.

CDS maintenance technicians meeting client in front of sectional doors

Creative Door Services™ Is the Go-to Choice for Loading Dock Door Maintenance

Don’t let your loading dock doors become a burden on your bottom line. At Creative Door Services™, we take care the very best care of our customers. Our goal is to help you stay on top of all your maintenance and upkeep, whether you need repairs for a single loading dock door or a whole bay of sectional doors.

Prioritizing loading dock door maintenance makes a lot of sense. If you plan today, it can help to save your investment tomorrow. Prevent costly repairs, reduce energy costs, avoid downtime, and more – loading dock door maintenance will provide you with much greater peace of mind as you manage the daily operations of your commercial facility. The qualified technicians at Creative Door Services™ have decades of experience behind them, ensuring you get the service you need.

To learn more about our section door maintenance and repair services or to request a quote, contact us today. We’re happy to serve you from one of our eight locations. You can find us in Kelowna, British Columbia; Vancouver, British Columbia; Calgary, Alberta; Edmonton, Alberta; Fort McMurray, Alberta; Regina, Saskatchewan; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; and Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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