Commercial Door Operators

We've sourced products from the most trusted brands to offer you the top commercial door operators on the market. Each operator offers varying technological and motor capabilities, so you can find one that best suits your business needs.

Commercial Door Operators: Your Personalized Solution 

From condos to car washes, each business has unique door needs; what remains constant is the need for reliable, efficient operation. Commercial sectional door operators vary in capacities and capabilities, so finding the best one for your property is no simple matter. Creative Door Services™ has the expertise to recommend the best solution for your requirements, and we have the inventory to ensure you get what you need. Contact us today to speak with an expert and request a free quote.

Find Your Fit

Genie offers the best in standard to heavy and industrial-duty door operations for your business, and we also carry the Manaras and LiftMaster brands.





Commercial Door Operators

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T Operator Facing Left2

LiftMaster T Industrial Duty Trolley Operator

Price Range n/a
Speed 11" to 12" per second
Quietness/Loudness Standard
Capacity 25 cycles/hr
Genie Gcl T 1260X945

Genie T Standard-Duty Trolley Operator GCL-T

Price Range $$$$
Quietness/Loudness Standard
Features Keyless Entry
Capacity 25 cycles/hr
H Operator Facing Left2

LiftMaster H Standard Duty Hoist Operator

Price Range $$$$
Speed 8" to 9" per second
Quietness/Loudness Quiet
Capacity 25 cycles/hr
Genie Gcl J 1260X945

Genie GCL-J Standard Duty Jackshaft Operator

Price Range $$$$
Quietness/Loudness Standard
Features Keyless Entry
Capacity 25 cycles/hr
Genie Gcl Gt 1260X945

Genie GT Heavy-Duty Gear Head Trolley Operator

Price Range $$$$
Quietness/Loudness Standard
Features Keyless Entry
Gcl Gh Heavy Duty Operator 1260X945

Genie GH Heavy-Duty Hoist Operator

Price Range $$$$
Quietness/Loudness Standard
Features Keyless Entry
Capacity 14 cycles/hr

Genie H Standard-Duty Hoist Operator

Price Range $$$$
Quietness/Loudness Standard
Features Keyless Entry
Capacity 25 cycles/hr
Gh Operator2

LiftMaster GH Heavy Industrial Hoist Operator

Price Range $$$$
Speed 8" to 9" per second
Quietness/Loudness Standard
Capacity 25 cycles/hr
Genie Gcl Mh Medium 1260X945

Genie MH Medium-Duty Hoist Operator

Price Range $$$$
Quietness/Loudness Standard
Features Keyless Entry
Capacity 14 cycles/hr
Sdi Safe Drive 1260X945

SDI SafeDrive

Price Range $$$$
Speed Adjustable speed
Features Chain or Belt Drive
Capacity Continuous, Heavy Duty
Lift Master Hctpremium Trolley Operator 1260X945

LiftMaster HCT Premium Trolley Operator

Price Range $$$$
Speed 11" per second
Features Keyless Entry
Capacity Continuous, Heavy Duty
Genie 1128 1260X945

Genie Connected Pro Wi-Fi Model 1128 Operator

Price Range $$$
Quietness/Loudness Standard
Features Keyless Entry
J Operator Facing Left2

LiftMaster J Medium Duty Operator

Price Range $$
Speed 8" to 9" per second
Quietness/Loudness Quiet
Capacity 25 cycles/hr
Omt 2013 01 24

Manaras OMT Medium Duty Trolley Operator

Price Range $$
Speed 11" per second
Quietness/Loudness Quiet
Capacity Medium duty
Omj 2011 04 28

Manaras Opera-MJ Medium Duty Operator

Price Range $
Speed 6" to 12" per second
Quietness/Loudness Quiet
Capacity Medium duty
Otbh 2011 04 28

Manaras OTBH Heavy Duty Trolley Operator

Price Range $
Speed 9" to 12" per second
Quietness/Loudness Standard
Capacity 25 cycles/hr
Omh 2011 04 28

Manaras Opera-MH Medium Duty Operator

Price Range $
Speed 6" to 12" per second
Quietness/Loudness Quiet
Capacity Medium duty
Mgh 2011 04 29

Manaras Opera-MGH Industrial Duty Operator

Price Range $
Speed 6" to 12" per second
Quietness/Loudness Quiet
Capacity 25 cycles/hr
Oph 2011 04 28

Manaras Opera-H Standard Duty Hoist Operator

Price Range $
Speed 6" to 12" per second
Quietness/Loudness Standard
Capacity 25 cycles/hr
Ogh 2011 04 29

Manaras Opera-GH Industrial Duty Hoist Operator

Price Range $
Speed 6" to 12" per second
Quietness/Loudness Standard
Capacity 25 cycles/hr
Mgt Sg 2011 04 28

Manaras MGT Industrial Duty Trolley Operator

Price Range $
Speed 6" to 10" per second
Quietness/Loudness Quiet
Capacity 25 cycles/hr

LiftMaster GT Heavy Industrial Trolley Operator

Price Range $
Speed 11" to 12" per second
Quietness/Loudness Standard
Capacity 25 cycles/hr
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Commercial door operators can help boost the efficiency, safety, and accessibility of your business. They automate tasks, optimize material handling, and streamline operations, ensuring smooth traffic flow. If you're interested in increasing your business's productivity, contact Creative Door Services™ today for more information about our top-quality products.

Types Of Commercial Door Operators

There are three main types of commercial door operators:

  1. Trolly operators are equipped with an electric lift mechanism fixed on the ceiling. The mechanism is attached to a long rail that has a trolley, which, when connected to the commercial door, can lift and lower it. Trolley operators are typically used for sectional doors and are efficient, reliable, and easy to operate.
  2. Jackshaft operators are located beside the door and use the rotational force of several pulleys and chains to move the door. They are often used for rolling doors and those with limited headspace and require minimal maintenance.
  3. Hoist operators are similar to jackshaft operators and are mounted to the side of the door. They’re robust and reliable, making them an excellent choice for high-traffic areas.

Commercial door operators are available at different speeds and horsepower to suit the needs of your business.

Features Of Our Commercial Door Operators

Here’s a look at some of the unique features of many of our commercial operators:

  • Timer-to-close feature. This mechanism automatically shuts the door after a pre-determined time limit. This ensures your facility door is never left open.
  • Reversing systems. When objects pass through the infrared beam, the commercial door automatically stops closing and then reverses to prevent injury.
  • Battery backup. This ensures your door works as intended during a power outage.
  • Auto-seek dual frequency. The door opener uses 315 or 390 MHz frequency to avoid potential nearby interference and ensure the system doesn’t experience any interruptions.

  • Maintenance alert system (MAS). Provides open/close/stop functions and notifies you when maintenance is required.
  • Encryption systems. Some models can encrypt each wireless remote code to permit only authorized entries.
  • Remote access. Many of our models have Wi-Fi capability, so you can operate and check the status of your door from anywhere through your smartphone, computer, or tablet.

What Type of Commercial Door Operator Does Your Business Need?

No two commercial door operators are alike, so finding the right one for your business requires many considerations. Here are some key factors to consider.

  • Frequency of use. The volume of traffic coming and going through your doors will determine both the cycle capacity and speed of door operator you need. A higher horsepower will cost you more but may be unnecessary if you have low traffic flow. On the other hand, heavy traffic could cause a less powerful model to wear out prematurely from overuse.
  • Type of door. The details that determine your needs for an operator include measurements for width and height, whether the door is insulated, and the type of backing material. Ideally, you can find the make and model number on a sticker attached to the door, which we can use to track down the critical details.
  • Track type. The specialist will need to know how much clearance there is above and beside the door. They’ll also need to know mechanical details like whether the track goes straight up or follows your roof’s slope.
  • Security and safety needs. Automatic closure functionality is a safeguard against trespassers slipping in behind an authorized entrance. Additionally, a sensor can detect and automatically stop the door when an object or person hasn’t yet cleared its path of motion.
  • Energy efficiency. If your interior space has heated or cooled air, you may benefit from a mid-stop feature that allows the garage door to open only partway and minimize the amount of heated or cooled interior air from escaping.

Does your operation need a unique solution? Ask the experts at Creative Door Services™ about a custom design. Our track record of customization projects is second to none.

Commercial Door Operators For Every Industry in Western Canada

Whether you're looking for a heavy-duty operator for a large warehouse or a more compact option for a smaller storefront, Creative Door Services™ has you covered. Our extensive lineup of door operators includes trusted brands that offer unique features and motor capabilities, so you can easily find one that best suits your business needs.

Contact us today to learn more or request a free quote. We have locations in Kelowna, British Columbia; Vancouver, British Columbia; Calgary, Alberta; Edmonton, Alberta; Fort McMurray, Alberta; Regina, Saskatchewan; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; and Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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