Wayne Dalton: Setting the Standard for U-Factor in Residential Garage Doors and Commercial Doors

As energy efficiency continues to take precedence in building design and construction, adopting U-factor as the new standard for garage door insulation ratings is becoming more valuable. Why? U-factor provides a more accurate and comprehensive measure of thermal performance than the more familiar R-value. But what exactly is U-factor, and how does it differ from R-value? Here’s what you need to know about this new standard of garage door classification.

wayne dalton garage door

What’s U-Factor?

U-factor measures the rate of heat transfer through a material or structure. Specifically, U-factor measures how much heat passes through a door or window per unit area, divided by the temperature difference between the indoor and outdoor environments. In simpler terms, it indicates how well a door insulates against heat loss or gain. The lower the U-factor, the better the insulation performance of the door. For example, a garage door with a U-factor of 0.25 has better insulation performance than a door with a U-factor of 0.60.

Wayne Dalton: A Leader in Thermal Performance

Among manufacturers, Wayne Dalton is playing a pivotal role in making U-factor the new classification standard for garage doors. The company participates in the Door & Access Systems Manufacturers Association (DASMA) Thermal Performance Verification (TPV) Program, which aims to verify and certify the thermal performance of sectional door products through third-party testing and inspection.

The TPV program marks a significant shift from the more conventional R-value rating system, where manufacturers rated their own products based on calculations rather than testing. Calculations alone resulted in inconsistencies in the market, where an R-10 door from one manufacturer may perform differently than other similarly-rated doors. Under the U-factor system, consumers can rest assured that models carrying the unique DASMA logo have been independently tested and confirmed for their insulative performance.

Differences Between U-Factor And R-Value

The big difference between R-value and U-factor is how they’re measured. R-value looks at just one part of the door or a single material. U-factor considers everything about the door once it’s all put together, including the door itself, the siding, the frame, the windows, and the wall it’s in. This makes U-factor a more accurate measure of how well the door keeps heat in or out because it looks at the whole picture, not just a piece.

While U-factor measures the rate of heat transfer, R-value calculates a material’s ability to resist heat flow. Unlike U-factor, where lower numbers indicate better insulation, higher R-values mean greater heat resistance. R-value is commonly used to evaluate the insulation properties of materials like insulation batts or foam boards.

Why U-Factor Is Becoming the Standard

U-factor is quickly emerging as the preferred metric for evaluating the energy efficiency of doors for several reasons:

  • It provides a more comprehensive assessment of a door’s thermal performance, accounting for factors such as frame conductivity, glazing efficiency, and air leakage, which may not be adequately captured by R-value alone.
  • U-factor aligns with international standards and regulations governing energy efficiency in buildings, resulting in consistency and comparability across different products and regions.
  • As building codes and energy efficiency standards become more stringent, U-factor offers a more accurate and reliable measure to ensure compliance and optimize energy savings.
thermostat set to 20 degrees celcius

Benefits Of Using U-Factor

Using U-factor as the new standard for door ratings offers benefits for both consumers and manufacturers.

  1. Accurate assessment. U-factor provides a more precise assessment of a door’s thermal performance, enabling consumers to make informed decisions based on actual energy efficiency rather than relying solely on insulation values.
  2. Energy savings. Doors with lower U-factor reduce heat loss during colder months and decrease heat gain during warmer months, leading to lower energy consumption and potential cost savings on heating and cooling bills.
  3. Environmental impact. Improving the energy efficiency of buildings by using doors with lower U-factors helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and environmental effects associated with energy consumption, contributing to sustainability goals.
  4. Regulatory compliance. With U-factor becoming the new standard for garage door ratings, manufacturers can better ensure compliance with building codes and energy efficiency regulations, providing assurance to consumers.

As concerns about sustainability and energy conservation continue to grow, the focus on U-factor as the new standard for door ratings will become more crucial.

Are U-Factor And U-Value Different?

Besides U-factor, you may encounter U-value. U-value measures the insulative properties of only pedestrian doors and windows and isn’t a thorough indicator for residential and commercial garage doors.

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Garage Doors and Commercial Doors In Western Canada

At Creative Door Services™, we’re proud to be Western Canada’s largest dealer of Wayne Dalton residential and commercial garage doors, parts, and accessories. Our garage door experts will work with you to give you a complete understanding of the rating process to ensure you get the most energy-efficient door possible.

For a free quote or to learn more, contact us today. We have locations in Kelowna, British Columbia; Vancouver, British Columbia; Calgary, Alberta; Edmonton, Alberta; Fort McMurray, Alberta; Regina, Saskatchewan; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; and Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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