How To Secure Your Property For Your Free-Range Kids

If you have children, your top priority is their safety and well-being. However, you can’t keep them cooped up inside all day to protect them from potential outdoor threats. If you have a large property and are nervous about letting your kids play outside alone, here are seven tips to keep them safe.

1.) Remove dangerous plants

If you want to confidently let your children play in the yard unsupervised, make sure you remove any plants that could be toxic or cause an allergic reaction like poison ivy.

Additionally, get rid of any sharp branches or twigs. If your kids love to climb trees, make sure the ones in your yard are healthy and that none of their branches look like they might snap.

2.) Be mindful about standing water

Make sure you cover or fence off any swimming pools, ponds, rain barrels, pails, or areas with standing water that could pose a risk for drowning. Children can drown in as little as one inch of water.

3.) Keep chemicals out of reach

Make sure any fertilizers and pesticides that you have on your property are properly labelled and stored in a locked shed. If you do apply them to your lawn, follow the directions and keep your kids inside for at least 24 hours. As a precaution, always have the number for poison control on hand.

Furthermore, make sure all your garden and lawn equipment is put away. Lawnmowers, weed whackers, hoes, rakes, and more are dangerous for children.

4.) Keep an eye out for wild animals

If you live in a rural area, wild animals may put your children at risk. To help keep out dangerous wildlife, fence in the area where your kids play. However, if you’re worried about small animals like snakes, invest in an animal deterrent like a noisemaker or motion-activated lights.

5.) Treat pests

To prevent your children from getting stung by wasps or bees, make sure you check your yard for nests. These insects like to build their homes in protected areas such as under decks, in tree branches, inside sheds and garages, and even near play structures. If you notice a bee or wasp nest in your yard, promptly get rid of it.

6.) Invest in an automatic gate

To prevent your kids from running into the road and help keep out unwanted visitors, you may want to consider investing in a driveway gate.

Many gate operators come with built-in safety features such as an external obstruction sensing device and a reversing system. These features prevent your gate from closing if it senses something in the way. Consequently, you can rest assured your children won’t be injured while playing outside in the yard.

Furthermore, Creative Door Services™ carries automatic driveway gates that are compatible with LiftMaster myQ® technology, which allows you to remotely unlock or activate your driveway gate from anywhere in the world using your smartphone. You can also set recurring schedules to open and close your gate at specific times and receive an alert whenever your gate is left open. Therefore, you can always monitor your gate to ensure your kids are safe.

7.) Install security cameras

Installing a security camera alongside your driveway gate can be an effective visual deterrent for criminals and thieves. Plus, many models come equipped with motion-activated sirens and alarms to stop trespassers in their tracks.

Furthermore, many security cameras record a live feed of your gate that can be accessed from your smartphone. For example, if you’re working late, you can use the security camera’s remote monitoring system to make sure your kids arrive home safely from school. You can also get real-time alerts if the cameras detect any unusual activity, allowing you to stay on top of any security breaches no matter where you are.

In addition to the above, you should keep in mind that experts recommend supervising your children while they play outside until they’re at least 12 years old.

Secure Driveway Gates & Access Controls in Western Canada

If you want to install an automatic gate on your property to keep you and your family safe, look no further than Creative Door Services™. Our team can help you find a gate that suits your needs, and we carry a comprehensive selection of automatic driveway gates from top brands. We also have parts, accessories, and access control solutions. Plus, our team provides expert installation, repair, and maintenance services.

For a free quote, contact one of our eight branches in Western Canada. We have locations in Kelowna, British Columbia; Vancouver, British Columbia; Calgary, Alberta; Edmonton, Alberta; Fort McMurray, Alberta; Regina, Saskatchewan; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; and Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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