5 Reasons Your Storefront Needs an Insulated Commercial Pedestrian Door

Whether you run a bookstore, coffee shop, theatre, or grocery store, investing in insulated commercial doors is good for business. Here are five reasons to consider upgrading your storefront with an insulated commercial door.

cold seepage inside of a commercial retail store

1. Reduce energy costs

    Businesses with uninsulated doors are more susceptible to heat and cold transfer, which can significantly increase energy bills. Installing an insulated commercial door can reduce heat loss and cold seepage, leading to substantial energy savings over time. Additionally, HVAC systems that constantly run at full capacity are more likely to break down prematurely or require costly repairs.

    2. Minimize noise

      A quieter workplace environment is good for business. If your business is in a busy commercial area, an insulated door can help maintain a more peaceful environment for your staff and customers. If your operation generates high-volume sounds, the insulation can help minimize noise pollution for better community relations.

      Installing an insulated commercial door can significantly reduce noise transmission to and from your storefront. Many of the commercial doors from Creative Door ServicesTM are filled with a specialized acoustic core and provide a high sound transmission class (STC) rating.

      3. Increase safety

        If your business deals with high-value goods or is located in an area with a high crime rate, you need your doors to be resistant to break-in. In addition to providing increased thermal protection, the durable core in insulated commercial doors is made to withstand impacts and strains. Filled steel doors are reinforced to effectively prevent tampering and unauthorized access.

        Many of the insulated doors at Creative Door ServicesTM can also be fire-rated for up to three hours. When you invest in an insulated door, you can rest easy knowing your facility is protected. You can also automate your commercial door for added convenience. Since they provide hands-free operation, an automatic door can help streamline your everyday operations.

        two happy customers exiting a coffee shop downtown

        4. Improve comfort

          Insulated doors are an asset for all types of businesses. If you own a café or bookstore, installing insulated commercial doors can help regulate the indoor temperature, providing a comfortable ambiance for your employees and customers. If your business deals with temperature-sensitive products, such as a grocery store or butcher shop, keeping the indoor temperature stable is essential to prevent spoilage.

          At Creative Door Services™, our commercial doors feature polyurethane or foam inserts to resist extreme temperatures. They can also be outfitted with weatherstrip, sweeps, and automatic door bottoms to keep dust, debris, and pests out of your facility.

          5. Lower insurance premiums

            When you invest in insulated commercial doors, you demonstrate to your insurance provider that you prioritize safety and security. The insulation not only safeguards your facility against harsh weather conditions and temperature extremes but adds an extra layer of security. Consequently, your insurance provider may reward your proactive approach by offering a reduced premium.

            Cutting expenses is a top priority for most business owners, and one of the best ways you can save money is by reducing your property insurance premiums. The Creative Door ServicesTM team would be thrilled to help you choose the right insulated commercial door to meet the unique needs of your business.

            planned maintenance and repair: technician replacing locking mechanism

            Protect Your Insulated Commercial Door with Planned Maintenance

            To help you get the most out of your investment, Creative Door Services™ offers a flexible planned maintenance program. Once you sign up for the program, you can expect one of our expert technicians to regularly come to your business to inspect your commercial doors and ensure they’re working properly. They’ll be able to detect minor problems before they become major issues and thereby save you from needing to prematurely invest in a new system.

            When you have your commercial doors installed and maintained by the professionals at Creative Door Services™, you can be sure that they’ll function smoothly for many years to come. We stand behind the work we do — our products, safety practices, and people.

            Insulated Pedestrian Commercial Doors in Western Canada

            If you’re ready to upgrade the doors on your storefront, look no further than Creative Door Services™. We have a vast inventory of insulated commercial doors from industry-leading brands, so you never have to compromise on style, functionality, or durability. Our team can help you find insulated commercial doors that meet your needs and get them installed in no time.

            If you have any questions about our products and services, we’d be happy to answer them. Contact one of our eight branches across Western Canada today. We have locations in Kelowna, British Columbia; Vancouver, British Columbia; Calgary, Alberta; Edmonton, Alberta; Fort McMurray, Alberta; Regina, Saskatchewan; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; and Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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