Driveway Gate Collisions: How to Handle Accidents and Secure Your Property

Accidents happen and unfortunately, your residential gate isn’t immune to suffering unintentional damage. If someone accidentally drives into your gate, whether the damage is minor or severe, it’s crucial to understand what actions to take after the incident.

a white car that has driven in to a driveway gate and concrete pillar

Our 4 Step Checklist for Driveway Gate Collisions

Here’s a summary of what to do following an accident involving your residential gate.

  1. Determine if there are any injuries. First, check for any injuries to all those involved in the accident. The safety of everyone is of utmost importance. If there are any injuries, seek immediate medical attention.
  2. Document the incident. Record the details of the collision thoroughly. Take pictures of the damaged gate from multiple angles and gather identifying information about the other party, like their licence plate number and contact details. You may also want to ask neighbours or passersby if they saw the collision and are willing to act as witnesses. This information can be vital for insurance purposes and potential legal claims.
  3. Report the event. In any collision involving property damage, you must report the incident to local law enforcement. A detailed police report that includes information like the date, time, and location of the incident, along with the make and model of the vehicle involved, can be used as an official document to support your insurance claim or any legal action that may follow.
  4. Assess the damage. If it’s safe to do so, assess the damage to your residential gate. If you suspect that the gate may be unstable or hazardous, keep a safe distance and avoid using it until it has been properly assessed by a professional.

While some minor damage may be fixable, significant structural damage may require a replacement. A technician from Creative Door ServicesTM can visit your home to thoroughly inspect the gate’s components, such as hinges, tracks, and motor, to determine the overall condition. They’ll then provide you with options for repair or replacement. For example, if the hinges have collapsed entirely, the foundations have shifted, or the posts have cracked, a replacement may be in order.

using a wrench to tighten bolts of gate

When You Require Emergency Repairs

If the collision left your gate stuck in the open or closed position, you may require emergency repairs. A stuck open gate can expose your property to potential intruders, leaving it vulnerable to theft and vandalism. On the other hand, a gate that’s stuck closed might block a crucial exit route in an emergency, which could put you and your family at risk.

In both cases, act quickly to fix the gate and guarantee the safety of your property. Creative Door Services™ provides emergency and same-day services at many of our branches to ensure your gate is repaired promptly.

Essential Safety Features

Although you may not be able to stop someone from accidentally driving into your residential gate, you can prevent other types of accidents by investing in a residential gate system with the latest safety features.

At Creative Door Services™, we carry gate operators with built-in safety devices, such as external obstruction sensing and reversing edge sensors. These features prevent your gate from closing if something is in the way.

We also carry automatic residential gates that are compatible with LiftMaster's myQ® technology, so you can remotely unlock or activate your driveway gate from anywhere in the world using your smartphone. You can also set recurring schedules to open and close your gate at specific times and receive an alert if your gate is left open. Consequently, you can rest assured your home is secure and you, your family and your visitors won’t be injured while using the gate.

black CCTV security camera fixed to driveway gate of home at night

Upgrade Your Residential Gate with Security Cameras

Another way to increase the security of your property, consider installing a security camera at your residential gate. When automatic gates are paired with security cameras, the result is an increase in the overall security of your property. Cameras not only act as a deterrent but they can be used to identify perpetrators in a hit-and-run, for example.

beautiful wood gates at the end of a long driveway

Residential Gate Repairs and Maintenance

If someone accidentally drives into your residential gate and causes damage, it can be easy to feel distressed and overwhelmed. However, knowing the appropriate steps to take can help you navigate the process calmly and efficiently. Most importantly, you can rely on a qualified Creative Door ServicesTM technician to assess the damage, provide expert guidance, and proceed with the necessary repairs or replacements. We carry a comprehensive selection of automatic driveway gates and estate gates from top brands and have an extensive parts inventory to keep your gate running smoothly.

Contact us today to request a free quote. You can turn to our team for expert installation, repair, and maintenance services. You can find us in Kelowna, British Columbia; Vancouver, British Columbia; Calgary, Alberta; Edmonton, Alberta; Fort McMurray, Alberta; Regina, Saskatchewan; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; and Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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